Sunday, April 1, 2012

Once Upon a time... Once Again

My goodness, I believe I am just about the worst blogger of ALL TIME! I am determined to keep my blog up to date (hopefully -- no promises). Once school got going again it got really hard to keep blogging. I kept forgetting and other things always came up. Eventually I just forgot about my blog completely. I can't promise I'll write faithfully every day/week/month, but I'll try my best. I also just re-designed my blog. Now it is a lot more exciting, not to mention COLORFUL!

I am having a good experience at Snow College. I have made a lot of new friends that I love spending time with and we all have a lot of fun together. I have a job that takes up quite a bit of time, but it is worth it. I work for Snow College Intramurals. EASIEST JOB EVER. No joke, I do just about nothing. All we do is keep score of the games and sometimes make sure that no fights break out -- although when it comes to that point I usually grab the nearest man and tell him to do something because I'm too scared. About two weeks ago, a few friend and I started an intramural volleyball team. It has been a lot of fun! We've been doing pretty well so far. It is obviously quite different from high school volleyball, but it is still a blast.

This weekend I was home for conference weekend. I really enjoyed listening to the speakers and loved the messages they taught. I have always looked forward to conference weekend but each time it comes, it seems to be even better than I thought it would be.

HOPEFULLY I can get a camera sometime soon that actually works and I can start adding pictures of the things I'm doing. It could be a lot of fun showing the world my life -- or at least a bit of it.

Here are some RaNdOm pictures from the beginning of the school year.

Me, Kristen, Monica & Kim were all sitting nicely SQUISHED into the back of Mike's car on our way up the canyon to the fire. So while the boys were in Walmart looking for an ax -- to cut wood for the fire -- we decided to take pictures!

James decided to squeeze in the back with us... but didn't want to take pictures! What a BUM!

No promises, but look for a new post sometime soon-ish....

forever & always,


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