Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's Snowing!

I am officially a college student. I moved down here to snow on Monday this week (yesterday) and it kinda feels like I've been here for longer than one day. Yesterday was quite a long day because we had to go shopping before we drove down, which took FOREVER! Then we had to stop by Krispy Cream because we still had our report cards from last year and had not yet gotten our donuts. Finally, we started the hour and a half drive down. Dallin was with me in my car while Ashlyn drove my mom's car so she could get some more driving time.

As soon as I pulled in my friend Katie and some guys she knows helped me move all my stuff into my room along with my family, because I am not allowed to lift anything more than 10 pounds due to my surgery on August 11th. Which is starting to be a huge problem because I am wanting to re-arrange my room to make it seem a bit bigger (because it is SOO incredibly tiny) but I can't lift anything because everything weighs like a thousand pounds, give or take a few. I was very appreciative that everyone helped me move in. I honestly thought I wasn't going to have enough room for all my stuff, but somehow we got it all to fit and it looks pretty good. It doesn't look cluttered or like I stuffed everything somewhere. I have a nice view out my window. Most of the apartments have a view of the other apartments, but mine is the very end one so I have a view of a cute little pathway, some trees, and the road. It is the perfect creeper view ;) I also like it because the sun doesn't shine into my room in the morning so I can open my blinds and the window, making it nice and cool, then in the afternoon I can shut my blinds and turn on my little fan and it stays cool.

Last night I was up in Katie's apartment with her and her roommates and we played Apples to Apples. It was a lot of fun. Some of the guys in the apartment across from theirs came over so we got to meet them. I'm excited to be able to meet more people. I think this is going to be a lot of fun. But after a long day of moving in, I was so tired. I tried to fall asleep but there was just so much on my mind that I was having trouble falling asleep, and also it is always weird trying to fall asleep in a bed that isn't your own. But I finally fell asleep.

I kind of wish I could have been in the same apartments as Katie and her roommates because I know most of them from Timp and they are all so fun. My roommates are fun, but a lot of the time they aren't here, and when they are it is kind of awkward and everyone is kind of quiet. Which I'm hopeful that that will change as the year goes on because we'll be getting to know each other a lot better, but right now it is kinda hard not feeling quite comfortable to talk to them. It makes me a little home sick.

I never thought I'd really get very home sick, but I've realized that I probably will. Especially because Ashlyn and I have grown so close that we're always talking and telling each other things. It is going to be so different and hard not to tell her everything when it happens. Also, it is way different living on your own, I find myself constantly thinking about money (mostly the money that I don't have) and worrying if I'll make it a month, or a semester or how ever long. Everyone keeps talking about what they have to buy - food, books, fees, etc.- and it scares me to think of how poor I actually am. Hopefully I'll make it. I'm hoping to be able to get a job in the intramural sports, so at least some money will be coming in and I wont just be watching all my money disappear. I'll probably also go back to the dentist and orthodontist down here and let them know I'm here (since I came down last year to give them a resume) and just let them know if they need any help I'll definitely help. Maybe they'll even hire me for like a once or twice a week thing. That would be nice. I don't know, we'll see I guess.

Honestly, I'm going to try really hard to keep up with blogging and have fun with it. My new life should - hopefully- be a lot of fun and a whole new adventure. I just need to hang on tight and enjoy the ride.

forever & always,


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