Friday, November 19, 2010

A Well Needed Laugh!

Last night, after going to my volleyball banquet with my mom, I was sitting here at the computer and heard my mom laughing and calling my name. I wasn't sure what she was doing and was frantically trying to finish my first blog and get it saved before something else happened and it ended up deleted for the second time (which would have ruined my entire day and made me in the worst mood possible...which, if you know me, is saying a lot), so I just stayed sitting at the computer. Soon enough my mom comes into the kitched almost crying she is laughing so hard. Seeing this, I HAD to find out what was making her laugh so hard. She then told me to grab a camera and come look at Dallin, my brother. Now, a little background on the situation. Dallin has been wanting an ipod for quite some time. He's asked my mom a few times about getting one for his birthday or Christmas or something but she had to tell him that in order for him to get one he would need to be more responsible because ipods are expensive and he would need to keep it in good condition and not just leave it sitting around and things. So he then decided that one way he could become more responsible would be to clean his room (DEEP clean his room) and keep it clean. So for the past few days he has been cleaning it and organizing it. He even went to the extent of re-organizing or in other words changing where his bed, dresser, and book stand were. He cleaned, vacuumed, dusted, etc. So as you can see, he REALLY wanted to make sure that my mom knew he was trying to prove he could be responsible. SO back to last night. My mom tells me to grab a camera so I do so and follow her into Dallin's room expecting to see him half undressed laying on his bed, or sleeping with a pick fuzzy blanket (hence the camera, so we could take a picture and black-mail him with it in the future when he has a girlfriend or something). As I walk in, I don't see him and I'm wondering why she is still laughing. My mom then points to the closet and I look over and see Dallin's ENORMOUSLY LONG legs (if you've seen him you know exactly what I'm talking about) sticking out from inside. I start to laugh finally realizing how funny the situation actually is. I look around the corner of the closet and see that Dallin is OUT, in other words, if he were any more asleep he'd be dead. So immediately we start taking pictures hoping he won't wake up from the flash of the cameras. My mom then decided that we had enough pictures and it was time to wake up him so he didn't wake up in the morning and be in pain from the position he was in. She starts to wake him up and I hear her say, "Dallin, buddy, its time to wake up and get ready for school". I start laughing again because he then wakes up (partially) and asks what time it is and my mom tells him it is 6:45 am. He then gets up, follows me and my mom out to the kitchen, is asking my mom questions about the day while he is getting myself a bowl of cereal. I was laughing so hard I had to leave the room because i didn't want to spoil the joke. Soon enough my mom burst out laughing and I do as well. Dallin is standing there confused as I proceed to tell him that it is still night time and point to the clock which said 9:30. Dallin then tries to cover up his embarrassment by saying he knew it was still night time and he was just getting a snack.
It was UBER hilarious. I will definitely have to post pictures later when I put them on the computer. Then I'll be able to show just how funny it was that someone as big and tall as he is, found his way into the small closet he has.

forever and always,



  1. Hilarious! Thanks for the good laugh.
    --Chelle Gordon

  2. That's one for the books! Can't wait to see pics.
